Rkpoed and Terra: An Interplanetary Framework
At the beginning of March of this year (2021) the governing councils of Rkpoed asked me to work out a general framework for an interplanetary framework of the relationship between Rkpoed and “Terra”.
“Terra” designates a yet-to-be-defined and fair representation of the membership of all of human citizens alive on Earth.
Drawing up an Interplanetary Framework
According to Rkpoed sources, the original idea of an interplanetary framework between Rkpoed and Terra reaches back to the end of World War 2. Realistic “feelers” were put out in 1975 and in 1997, but upon analysis of their data, Rkpoed analysts estimated that taking all responses together, the global reception on Earth would still be too adverse.
That is why they are proceeding very slowly now, with a veiled “imaginary planet” approach.
The other pole of a interplanetary agreement must be a true representative of all human Earth citizens. Who will really be able to sign for Earth? This entity simply does not exist yet.
Asia, with well over 60% of the world's population, is massively under-represented in the United Nations. China is just beginning its own space venture. Also, space exploration has so far excluded world participation from Africa and Latin America. It is thus not surprising that Rkpoed has been slow in its willingness to further an interplanetary agreement.
As a consequence, the framework proposed below is just an initial exploration within a range of options. Please consider it for potential merits as well as for possible improvements.
Basic Principles of an Interplanetary Rkpoed-Terra Framework
- There are two equal partners in this treaty.
- Each partner is demographically represented by its constituent parts.
- The relations imply equal weight and benefit for both sides.
- All our relations are peaceful.
- Differences are remediated with diplomatic means.
- Significant disagreements must be remedied.
- We remain oriented towards the possibilities and promises of the future.
1. "There are two equal partners in this treaty."
This agreement links two equal parties by diplomatic relations, qualified by regular embassy status on both planets.
Although the Terra party represents 7.8 billion of human inhabitants1, while the Rkpoed population represents 4.7 billion of inhabitants, and although the planet Earth is 1.4 times larger than Rkpoed, the agreement links the two planets with equal rights, obligations and liberties between the two parties.
2. "Each partner is demographically represented in its constituent parts."
Every occupant of the two parties is entitled to the same set of equal rights, obligations and liberties, no matter whether the member is born on either of the two planets or where their businesses are conducted. Each member retains the same equal rights, obligations and liberties that the member has on his planet of origin and that is also legitimate on the destination planet.
3. "The relations imply equal weight and benefit for both sides."
One of their rights is a full set of public information about the treaty, available to any member of the two planets in an appropriate official language. Furthermore, members of the two planets may be eligible to exchange programs, bursaries as well as grants in the planet distant to that of their origin. Furthermore, the members have the right to construct and conduct the same forms of business that they can construct and conduct in their place of origin, provided that the business is legally admissible in both places.
4. "All our relations are peaceful."
Peaceful conditions assure the continued maintenance of the agreement.
5. “Differences are remediated with diplomatic means.”
Major differences are remediated by a Bilateral Commission constituted by three regular members from each planet, plus a chair person who is switched from one to the other planet every Terra year.
6. “Significant disagreements must be remedied.”
Minor differences are remediated and/or removed in diplomatic exchanges between the two embassies. Significant disagreements must be remedied within one Terra year by the Bilateral Commission.
7. “We remain oriented towards the possibilities and promises of the future.”
In our bilateral relations and in the attribution of grants and bursaries, the improvement of common goals and the achievement of mutually beneficial objectives remains our prime objective.
1 The world population was 7.8 billion as of February 2021. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/